Program 47 : IntraMail
47-01 : IntraMail System Options
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1331
07 Digital Pager Callback Number
(Pager CBack)
Use this option to set the Digital Pager Callback Number por-
tion of the Message Notification callout number for a digital
pager. This is the portion of the callout number that is appended
to the pager service telephone number. Normally, this option
should be X*M#, where:
•X is the number of the extension that generated the
•* is a visual delimiter (to make the pager display easier to
•M is the number of new messages in the extension’s
•# is the digit normally used by the pager service for positive
Digits (12 maximum, using
0-9, # and *)
M (Number of messages -
entered by pressing LK1)
No entry (Entered by
pressing CLEAR).
X (Extension number -
entered by pressing LK2)
IntraMail automatically
replaces the X command
with the number of the
extension that initially
received the message.
08 Delay in Dialing Digital Pager Callback Number
(Pager Dial Delay)
Use this option to set the delay (0-99 seconds) that occurs just
before IntraMail dials the Digital Pager Callback Number portion
of the Message Notification callout number for a digital pager. Set
this delay so the pager service has enough time to connect to the
digital pager before sending the callback number. Your pager ser-
vice may be able to help you determine the best value for this
option (0-99 seconds). By default, this option is 9 seconds. When
placing a digital pager notification, the system:
1. Seizes the trunk specified.
2. Dials the user-entered notification number (in MSG + OP
+ N).
3. Waits the 47-01-08: Delay in Dialing Digital Pager Call-
back Number interval.
4. Dials the number entered in 47-01-07: Digital Pager Call-
back Number.
The system assumes that the notification number will complete
dialing approximately 4 seconds after trunk seizure. This
means that, by default, the Digital Pager Callback Number will
be dialed into the pager service about 13 seconds after trunk
0-99 seconds 9 seconds
09 Wait Between Digital Pager Callout Attempts
(Notify Pager Intvl)
Use this option to set the minimum time (1-255 minutes)
between unacknowledged or unanswered digital pager Mes-
sage Notification callouts. (A subscriber acknowledges a digital
pager notification by logging onto their mailbox.) After this
interval expires, IntraMail will try the callout again (for up to
the number of times set in 47-01-14: Number of Callout
If the system dials the callout number and the pager service is
busy, it will retry the number in one minute.
1-255 minutes 15 minutes