Program 41 : ACD Setup
41-05 : ACD Agent Work SchedulesAspire Software Manual Programming ◆1261
41-05 : ACD Agent Work Schedules
Use Program 41-05 : ACD Agent Work Schedules to set up the Work Schedules for ACD Agents
and Groups. For each ACD Work Schedule (1-4), designate the start and stop times for each of the
eight Work Periods. Once you set up the schedules in this program, assign them to days of the week
in Program 41-07. (This is the same program used by the Trunk Work Schedules.)
ACD extensions can log in only during their work period. ACD extensions will receive the follow-
ing types of calls when they are logged in;
●ACD Call on a Trunk
If the incoming ring group is assigned in the operating time (Program 41-03 and 41-06).
●ACD Pilot Number Call
Any time if ACD extensions are available.
Input Data
Feature Cross Reference
●Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
SA • Not Available. • Available.
ACD Work Schedule Time Pattern 1-4
Item No. Work Period
Mode Number Start Time End Time Default
01 1-8 0000-2359 0000-2359 (Start) 0000
(End) 0000