ISDN Compatibility
376 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
➻10-03-08 : PCB Setup - Dial Sending Mode
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. Select either enblock or over-
lap sending (0=Enblock Sending, 1=Overlap Sending).
➻10-03-09 : PCB Setup - Dial Information Element
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. If Overlap Sending is selected
in Program 10-03-08, select either Keypad Facility (0) or Called Party Number (1) for the dial
information element.
➻10-03-10 : PCB Setup - Master/Slave System
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. If the system is networked, set
the system as either the slave (0) or master (1) system.
➻10-03-11 : PCB Setup - Networking System Number
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. If the system is networked,
define the system number (0-50).
➻10-03-12 : PCB Setup - Short/Long Haul
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. Select either short-haul (0) or
long-haul (1).
➻10-03-13 : PCB Setup - Loss-of-Signal Detection Limit
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. Select the loss-of-signal detec-
tion limit. In short-haul mode: 0=0.91V, 1=0.74V, 2=0.59V, 3=0.42V, 4=0.32V, 5=0.21V,
6=0.16V. 7=0.10V. In long-haul mode: 0=1.70V, 1=0.84V, 2=0.84V, 3=0.45V, 4=0.45V,
5=0.20V, 6=0.10V, 7=not defined
➻10-03-14 : PCB Setup - Service Protocol for S-Point
Setup and confirm the Basic Configuration data for each PCB. Select the service protocol to
be used (0=keypad facility, 1=specified protocol for Aspire).
➻10-03-15 : PCB Setup - Call Busy Mode for S-Bus
For S-Bus terminals, use this program to determine what a user on an S-Bus terminal will hear
when a busy extension is called. If this option is set to "0", the user will hear an alert tone. If
this option is set to "1", the user will be disconnected. By default, this option is set to "0".
➻10-03-16 : PCB Setup - ISDN 2 B-Channel Transfer
For PRI, enable (1) or disable (0) the 2 B-Channel Transfer function for a PRI PCB.
➻10-03-17 : PCB Setup - Ringback to Telco
For BRI trunks, this option can be used to determine whether or not the system sends ringback
tone to the telco (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, Default Setting: 0).
➻10-03-18 : IN Options - Type of Number (software 4.93+)
Use this option to define the ISDN numbering plan to allow the calling party information to be
passed to some telcos. Note that with software 4.08-4.0W, Program 99-01-32 was used
instead. (0 = Unknown, 1 = International number, 2 = National number, 3 = Network Specific
number, 4 = Subscriber number, 5 = Abbreviated number - Default: 3 (National number))
➻10-03-19 : IN Options - Numbering Plan Identification (software 4.93+)
Use this option to define the ISDN numbering plan to allow the calling party information to be
passed to some telcos. Note that with software 4.08-4.0W, Program 99-01-33 was used
instead. (0 = Unknown, 1 = ISDN numbering plan, 2 = Data numbering plan, 3 = Telex num-
bering plan, 4 = National standard numbering plan, 5 = Private numbering plan - Default: 1
(ISDN numbering plan))
➻10-31-01 : Networking Keep Alive Setup - Keep Alive Interval
If this program is greater than “0”, networked PRI spans using Kentrox DSUs will not resync
when removed from serviced then placed back into service.
➻14-01-13 : Basic Trunk Data Setup - Loop Supervision
For each trunk that should be able to participate in a tandem call, enter 1. To disable a trunk
from Tandem Trunking, enter 0 (Default Setting: 1). Required for 2 B-Channel Transfer.