TAPI Compatibility
Aspire Software Manual Features ◆557
TAPI Compatibility
The system has Telephony Applications Programming Interface (TAPI) capability. TAPI capability
●Reduced TAPI Feature Set (see the Supported TAPI Commands chart below).
●Caller ID data to the PC for data base lookups and screen pops (see the Caller ID Data chart
●Telephone control (off-hook, on-hook and dialing).
The CTA or CTU adapter provides an interface that allows the user personalized control of the tele-
phone system from a desktop or laptop PC when used in conjunction with a TAPI-compliant appli-
cation. The telephone system and PC are connected by installing an adapter on the telephone
keyset, allowing the PC user to access sophisticated communications services via the telephone
In addition to a compatible system software version, you must also have:
●Aspire keyset telephone containing an RS-232-C CTA Adapter (P/N 0890058) / CTU Adapter
(P/N 0890059) with TAPI compliant firmware.
●PC Driver for the CTA: PC running Windows 98 Second Edition or higher
●PC Driver for the CTU: PC running Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
●A TAPI compatible Windows application
Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
• Available.
• Third-party TAPI is available.
• Available with software 1.07 or higher.
• Third-party TAPI requires the Basic NTCPU (P/N
0891002) with the PAL upgrade or the Enhanced NTCPU
(P/N 0891038).