698 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
VOIPU DSP Resource Assignment
➻10-19-01 : VOIPU DSP Resource Selection
Specify the operating mode of the DSP voice resource on the VOIPU PCB (DSP Resource:
01-32, 0=IP extensions and trunks, 1=IP extension only, 2=IP trunk only). If a user wants to
keep DSP voice channels only for trunks or extensions, then set this program to IP Extension
Only (1) or IP Trunk Only (2). Each VoIP call, unless it is a peer-to-peer call, requires a DSP
resource be available. One DSP resource can handle 4 VoIP channels. This program setting
has no affect on the terminal/trunk port assignment or usage.
●One DSP resource can handle 4 VOIP channels.
●This program setting has no affect on the terminal/trunk port assignments or usage.
Changes to the following programs require the system be reset before the changes can take effect.
●Program 10-12
●Program 10-13
●Program 84-10
Changes to the following programs require that a programmer log out of the system programming
(phone programming, WebPro) before the changes can take effect.
●Program 84-01 Items: 39-41, 49-58
●Program 84-06
●Program 84-09
When changes are made to the following programs and there is an active call on the VOIPU PCB,
the system will not update until the VOIPU PCB is idle.
●Program 10-10
●Program 10-18
●Program 84-01-01
●Program 84-02-33
●Program 84-04
●Program 84-05
Default Setting