Features Page 129 of 910
IP Line Description, Installation and Maintenance
Modified LTPS CLI commands
The output of the following commands has been changed to print IP Phone
model name (long or short), firmware ID, firmware version, and so on:
• uftpShow
• umsPolicyShow
Note: Short model name example is “2004P2”. Long model name
example is “IP Phone 2004 Phase 2”.
isetShow output example
The output has been modified to display the IP Phone Model Name and
firmware version in ABB format.
oam> isetShow
Set Information
IP Address NAT Model ItType RegType State Up Time Set-TN Regd-TN
HWID FWVsn UNIStimVsn SrcPort DstPort
------------------ ---- ------------------- ---------- -------
-------- -------------- ------------ ------------
-------------------------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- IP Phone 2004 i2004 Regular online 0 00:00:32
064-00 064-00 18-006038ddc6b6-6600 B.65 2.8 5100 5000
Total sets = 1
uftpShow output example
The output has been modified to display the IP Phone Model Name, firmware
ID, and firmware version in ABB format.
oam> uftpShow
------------ UFTP Server Configuration -------------
UFTP Server IP address.......... [port: 5105]
Concurrent downloading limit.... 15 sets