Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance Page 765 of 910
IP Line Description, Installation and Maintenance
However, if the software version is prior to version 4.5, enter the following
xaSend 0,0x11
W 05555,AA
W 02AAA,55
W 05555,80
W 05555,AA
W 02AAA,55
W 05555,30
Note 1: There is a space after xaSend and the letter “W”. No other
spaces are allowed. All letters are in uppercase.
Note 2: Ignore any syntax error messages that print out after the xaSend
command is entered.
After the last command is entered, the card automatically reboots.
4When the card boots up with firmware version x.x, the following messages
are printed:
ITG Firmware Rls x.x
8051XA Firmware Version x.x (Pentium) <date>
(C) Nortel Networks Inc., 1996-2004
32K External RAM detected
All FPGAs are configured
No dongle detected
8K DPRAM detected
Bank 0 Checksum - 54A9H
End of Procedure