Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance Page 713 of 910
IP Line Description, Installation and Maintenance
electShow Displays a list of cards in the node and information
about each card. This includes showing all
registered followers to a leader.
The output has two sections:
cards currently registered
cards that are in the BOOTP.TAB configuration
but not yet registered.
itgCardShow Displays Voice Gateway Media Card information. X
itgMemShow Displays memory usage. X
ifShow Displays detailed IP address information, including
MAC addresses.
IPInfoShow Displays IP address information. X
serialNumShow Displays card serial number.
This command displays the same Voice Gateway
Media Card serial number that is displayed in the
LD 32 IDC command.
firmwareVersionShow Displays firmware version number. X
numChannelsShow Displays number of available channels.
swVersionShow Displays software version. X
logFileOn Turns on error logging to the syslog file.
logFileOff Turns off error logging to the syslog file.
logShow Displays information about the current logging
configuration. Indicates whether logging is on or off.
logConsoleOn Turns on error logging to the console.
Table 87
General purpose commands (Part 3 of 4)
IPL> Command Description