Page 630 of 910 IP Line administration using Element Manager
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
The output of the nodePwdShow command is displayed in the text area
at the bottom of the window. If in the default state, the IP Phone Installer
Password has never been set. The nodePwdShow output should display
the following:
NodeID – the IP Phone Installer Password configuration applies to all
Voice Gateway Media Cards on the same TLAN subnet that belong to this
Node ID.
PwdEna – by default the cards should be in disabled state (PwdEna=No).
The PwdEna setting specifies the enabled (Yes) or disabled (No) state of
the IP Phone Installer Password.
Pwd – this is the administrator IP Phone Installer Password. In the default
state, the administrator password is null.
TmpPwd – this is the temporary IP Phone Installer Password. In the
default state, the temporary password is null.
Uses – the Uses parameter applies to the temporary IP Phone Installer
Password. In the default state, this setting is null. If the card is not in the
default state, the Uses parameter is a numeric value from 0 – 1000. This
number specifies the remaining number of uses for the temporary
password. If zero is entered for the Uses parameter when setting the
temporary password, the Time parameter is mandatory. When the Time
parameter is in effect, the password expiration is based on time instead
of the number of uses.
Timeout – the Timeout heading corresponds to the Timeout parameter of
the temporary IP Phone Installer Password. In the default state the
Timeout is null. If the card is not in the default state, this setting specifies
the duration in hours in which the temporary password is valid. The range
is 0 – 240 hours (which is a maximum of 10 days). The number specified
under Timeout indicates the remaining time to expire of the temporary
password. The Timeout parameter is optional if the Uses parameter is
non-zero. The Timeout parameter is mandatory if Uses is set to zero.
0d 0h 0m 0s