Page 756 of 910 Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005

Maintenance audit CLI commands

There are five CLI commands that support the maintenance audit function as

outlined in Table 105.

Table 105
Maintenance audit commands (Part 1 of 2)
Command Description
auditShow Displays the following information:
whether a card reboot is enabled
the time a card reboot will occur if a non-critical task
is found suspended
a list of all tasks being monitored and their
designation (critical or non-critical)
IPL> auditShow
Reboot when detect a suspended task --- Disabled
Critical Task: tTPS tVTM tSET tVTI tUMS tUMC
tRDP tPBX tVGW tRTP tRTCP tELC baseMMintTask
tA07 tShell tNetTask tExcTask tTelnetd
Non-Critical Task: tTest
auditHistoryShow Displays the contents of the audit.his file.
auditRebootSet 0/1 Globally disables the card reboot from this audit task.
By default, this is set to 1. If it is set to 0, no card reboot
occurs when a suspended task is found for critical or
non-critical tasks.
The debug information is dumped; however, recovery
requires a manual reset of the card.