Page 90 of 910 Features
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
Scenario: IP Phone A has handsfree denied and IP Phone B has handsfree
allowed. IP Phone A is logged on IP Phone B and talks to IP Phone C using
If a TLAN subnet failure occurs and IP Phone A reregisters with its home TN
(with handsfree disabled), the handsfree functionality is turned off and IP
Phone A must go off-hook to continue the conversation.
ELAN subnet failure
The ACF state cannot be determined on the LTPS side during an ELAN
subnet failure. This is because the ACF state is stored on the Call Server and
it is not possible to send the ACF state on the LTPS side when the ELAN
subnet has failed.
When the ELAN subnet is down, the isetShow command always outputs the
ACF state as UNKNOWN for all established calls (the state is shown as
Feature interactions
Virtual Office and Branch Office
Branch Office
When the first failed IP Phone reregisters in local mode, the branch office
Call Server look ups the far-end branch IP Phone local TN using the specified
far-end IP address and builds a local call.
The call can be rebuilt only if both the IP Phones are branch users of the same
branch office.
Example: A regular main office IP Phone talks to the branch IP Phone
registered with the main office. A failure occurs on the main office, so that
the branch IP Phone cannot register in normal mode again, and reregisters in
local mode. Even if the main office IP Phone survives the failure, the call
cannot be rebuilt because the call becomes an IP Peer call between the branch
office and main office. This call becomes Partial Rebuilt and exists until