Page 174 of 910 Features
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
WARNING: There are 2 IP Phones that use the public IP
address of Please reset the IP Phone using
the TN: isetReset “TN”.
The number of IP Phones that share the same public IP address is printed.
Note: Commands such as isetScpwQuery, isetScpwModify, and
isetScpwVerify have the same error handling as isetReset. If an IP
address is entered that multiple IP Phones are using, an error message
prints. For example,
WARNING: There are 2 IP Phones that use the public IP
address of
The isetGet command can search on the NAT type.
NAT = xxx where x is:
C – the IP Phone is behind a Cone NAT
S – the IP Phone is behind a Symmetric NAT
U – the IP Phone is behind a NAT of unknown type (response only
received from Echo Server 1)
P – waiting on a response from the IP Phone, or the IP Phone never
received a response from Echo Server 1
.. – Blank space: the IP Phone is not behind any kind of NAT (normal
Y – true when an IP Phone’s NAT is C, S or U
N – true when an IP Phone’s NAT is . . (blank), meaning no NAT is