Page 222 of 910 Features
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005

Table 44 describes the interzone IP Phone Zone Traffic Report 16 output


cur counts of unacceptable R factor samples
cuerl counts of unacceptable Echo Return Loss
cwl counts of warning latency samples
cwj counts of warning jitter samples
cwpl counts of warning packet loss samples
cwr counts of warning R factor samples
cwerl counts of warning Echo return Loss
cmip counts of measuring interval samples
Table 44
IP Phone Zone Traffic Report 16 interzone data output (Part 1 of 2)
Data Description
zone number of the zone
cmo interzone calls made
cbo interzone calls blocked
po interzone peak bandwidth (%)
ao interzone average bandwidth usage (%)
vo interzone bandwidth usage threshold violations
cwpl counts of warning packet loss
cwl counts of warning latency samples
cwj counts of warning jitter samples
Table 43
IP Phone Zone Traffic Report 16 intrazone data output (Part 2 of 2)
Data Description