Page 46 of 910 Description
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005


The Virtual TN (VTN) feature allows each Voice Gateway Media Card to
support more IP Phones than there are physical bearer channels. There are 24
bearer channels on each ITG-P card and 8 or 32 channels on each Media Card.
Both cards support a 4:1 concentration of registered IP Phones (IP Phones
2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, IP Audio Conference Phone 2033, IP Softphone
2050, Mobile Voice Client (MVC) 2050, WLAN Handset 2210, WLAN
Handset 2211, and WLAN Handset 2212) to gateway channels. The ITG-P
supports 96 registered IP Phones. The Media Card supports 32 registered IP
Phones (when the card has 8 channels) or 128 registered IP Phones (when the
card has 32 channels). The IP Phones require the services of the bearer
channels only when they are busy on a call that requires a TDM circuit such
as an IP Phone-to-digital telephone/trunk/voice mail/conference. When an IP
Phone is idle or there is an IP-to-IP call, no gateway channel is required.
When the total number of IP Phones that are registered or are attempting to
register reaches the limit (96 on the ITG-P, 32 or 128 on the Media Card), the
Voice Gateway Media Card recognizes this and no more IP Phones are
assigned to the card. Each Voice Gateway Media Card is restricted to a total
of 1200 call attempts per hour distributed across all the IP Phones associated
with the card.