Page 882 of 910 Appendix C: RM356 Modem Router
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
Menu 14.1 - Edit Dial-in User is displayed.
Menu 14.1 - Edit Dial-in User
User Name= itgadmin
Active= Yes
Password= ********
Callback= No
Phone # Supplied by Caller= N/A
Callback Phone #= N/A
Idle Timeout= 500
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
30 Type in the User Name, such as itgadmin.
31 Toggle Active = Yes/No for security purposes.
32 Type in a Password for PAP.
The DUN client on the remote OTM 2.2 PC must provide the user name
and password defined here when dialing up the Modem Router.
33 Set Callback = Yes/No according to the customer's network security
policy and practices.
Nortel Customer Technical Services (CTS) does not currently accept
Callback security calls from the Modem Router.
34 Set Rem CLID = to the PSTN Calling Number that is displayed when the
remote OTM 2.2 PC dials up the Modem Router, if CLID authentication is
required for the user profile.
CLID depends on providing a C.O. line subscribed for CLID service for the
Modem Router's telephone line connection.
35 Set Idle Timeout = 1200, where 1200 seconds provides 20 minutes idle
timeout disconnect for Nortel remote support purposes.
36 Press Enter to confirm and save data to ROM, then press Esc to return
from the sub-menu to the RM356 Main Menu.
37 Enter menu selection number 23, under the Advanced Management
section of the RM356 Main Menu.