Page 708 of 910 Voice Gateway Media Card maintenance
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005

Maintenance commands for the IP Phone

Table 86 contains the maintenance commands in LD 32 for the IP Phone.

IDU command

Since the system must request the information from the IP Phone, the IDU is

effectively a PING command and can be used to test the end-to-end IP

connectivity of the IP Phone.

An example of the output format of the IDU command in LD 32 is shown i n

Figure 233 on page 709.

Table 86
LD 32 maintenance commands for IP Phones
Command Description
STAT l s c u
Display the IP Phone state.
UNEQ, IDLE, BUSY, and DSBL have the usual meaning.
IDLE and DSBL state are precise by the following information:
UNREGISTERED identifies an IP Phone that is configured in the
system but that has not yet registered.
REGISTERED identifies an IP Phone that has registered.
DISU l s c u
Change the IP Phone state to DSBL.
UNREGISTERED/REGISTERED state is not modified.
ENLU l s c u
Change the IP Phone state to IDLE.
UNREGISTERED/REGISTERED state is not modified.
IDU l s c u
IDU cu
Displays selected IP Phone information.
Displays the TN number, MAC address, device code, NT code,
color code, release code, software code, serial number, IP Phone IP
address, and LTPS IP address.
STAT VTRM <cust#>
<route#> <start_mb#>
<number of members>
Displays the status of the virtual trunks for a customer's route
starting from a specified starting member for the number of
members specified.