Page 552 of 910 IP Line 4.5 administration
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
The nodePwdSet “password” command configures and enables the
password. When the password is enabled and configured, the screen on the IP
Phone displays the four digit Node ID and a Password prompt, instead of the
Node ID and TN fields.
If the nodePwdEnable command is entered before the password is set using
the nodePwdSet command, the password is also enabled with a null
(zero-length) password and as a result, the password and TN prompts are also
never displayed on the IP Phones.
The administrator normally uses the Administrative IP Phone Installer
Password if it is necessary to install a new telephone or change the
configuration (node ID and TN) of an existing telephone.
Note: If an IP Phone cannot be installed because a prompt for a node ID
and TN does not appear, log into a Voice Gateway Media Card and check
the status of the password using the nodePwdShow command.
The nodePwdSet command with no “password”
parameter enables the administrator password and sets
a null (zero-length) password.
Enabling the administrator password and setting a null
password makes it impossible to install the IP Phones
because the Node ID and TN prompts are not displayed
on the telephone screen.
Always specify the “password” parameter when issuing
the nodePwdSet command. This password parameter is
6-14 digits. The valid characters are 0-9 * #.
The administrator can create a temporary IP Phone Installer Password
for experienced users who are delegated to install IP Phones. If a null
administrator password is set and a temporary password is created, the
temporary password overrides the null administrator password.