Page 656 of 910 IP Line administration using OTM 2.2
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
The Maintenance faceplate display shows an alarm of T:21 or S009.
T:21 is displayed if the card is new and there is no CONFIG.INI file.
S009 is displayed if the card has been used before and has a
CONFIG.INI file that contains an IP address for the Call Server that
is no longer correct.
28 In the OTM IP Line 4.5 application, refresh the view of the card status in
the node.
29 Verify the card is responding to OTM by selecting the IP Telephony node
from the list in the upper part of the main window.
All Voice Gateway Media Cards in the node are displayed in the lower part
of the window. While the node is selected, from the node list, press
function key F5 or View > Refresh > Selection to refresh the card status
of all cards in the selected node.
The card status should display as “Enabled” or “Disabled”. If the status is
“Not responding”, verify the network connection and the proper
configuration of the network equipment.
30 In the OTM Navigator window, click the Services folder.
31 Double-click the IP Telephony icon.
The IP Telephony window opens.
32 Select the IP Telephony node in the upper part of the window.
33 Select the new card(s) in the lower part of the window.
Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple cards.
34 Click the Configuration menu option and then select Synchronize >
The Transmit Options window appears.
35 Click the Transmit to selected cards radio button.
See Figure 223 on page 657.