Page 252 of 910 Features
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
Up to 10 nodes can be configured on a system (3-digit Node ID base + 0-9 for
the fourth digit). The IP Phones are distributed among the nodes by
programming different S1 and S2 IP addresses into the IP Phones. The
IP Phones register to the primary Connect Server (the S1 IP address) if
If a network outage or equipment failure prevents the registration to the
primary Connect Server, the IP Phone can register to a secondary Connect
Server (the S2 IP address). This feature enables a node’s registered IP Phones
to spread across the spare IP Phone registration capacity of the other nodes in
the system in the event of a network outage or equipment failure.
For example, the installer configures two nodes on a system with Node IDs
3431 and 3432. An IP Phone configured with Node ID 343 can register with
either node.
If the IP Phone presented one of the following Node IDs, it would be rejected
for registration
• 3433
The TN must still match before the IP Phone is allowed to register.
If the customer does not want to use the Enhanced Redundancy for IP Line
Nodes feature, programming 2- or 4-digit Node IDs retains the “exact match”