Page 356 of 910 Installation and initial configuration of an IP Telephony node
553-3001-365 Standard 4.00 August 2005
Note: The position of the (cccc or D) field varies
depending on the key name or function.
PAG E O F S T <Page>
Automatically calculates the IP Phone KEM key based
on the entered values. This prompt enables the system
administrator to enter a Page number of 0 or 1 and a Key
Offset number from 0-23. Once entered, the KEY
prompt is prompted with the appropriate KEY value filled
Enter <CR> to terminate data entry.
Note 1: Applies to an IP Phone 2004 with
KEM = 1, and where <CR> was entered at the KEY
Note 2: Does not apply to an IP Phone 2002.
When values are entered for Page and KeyOffset, the
KEY xx prompt displays, followed by PAGEOFST
prompt. This loop continues until no values (<CR> only)
are entered at the PAGEOFST prompt.
KEY xx Edit the IP Phone KEM key number specified by
PAGEOFST, where:
xx = the number of the key (for example, KEY 36)
Enter <CR> to keep the current setting.

LD 11 – Configure the IP Phone KEM. (Part 3 of 4)

Prompt Response Description