Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Assigning the Swi tch IP Address and De fault Gate way Assigning Switch Information
DNS Server Configuration
The DNS server ma ps the TF TP server name maritsu to IP ad dress 10.0. 0.3.
TFTP Server Configuration (on UNIX)
The TFTP server base directory is set to /tftpserver/work/. This directory contains the network-confg file
used in the two-file read method. This file contains the host name to be assigned to the switch based on
its IP address. The base dire ctory also c ontai ns a configuration file for eac h switch (switch1-confg,
switch2-confg, and so forth) as shown in this display:
prompt> cd /tftpserver/work/
prompt> ls
prompt> cat network-confg
ip host switch1
ip host switch2
ip host switch3
ip host switch4
DHCP Client Configuration
No con figuration file is prese nt o n Swi tch 1 t hrough Sw itch 4.
Configuration Explanation
In Figure 4-3, Switch 1 reads its configuration file as follows:
It obt ain s it s I P a dd re ss 1 0.0 .0 .21 f rom the D HCP server.
If no c onfigura tio n filenam e is g iven in th e D HC P server re ply, Switch 1 re ad s the net work- co nfg
file from th e ba se dire cto ry of th e T FT P se rver.
It adds the contents of the network-confg file to its host table.
It re ads i ts h ost tabl e by i ndexing it s I P a ddress 10 .0.0 .21 to i ts host na me ( swit ch1) .
It reads th e con figu ratio n file t ha t corr espo nds to its h ost name ; for e xam pl e, it re ads switch1-confg
from the TFTP server.
Switches 2 t hroug h 4 r etrieve their configurat ion files and I P addr esse s i n the sam e way.