Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring IE 2100 CNS Agents Configuring CNS Embed ded Agents
Note For more information about running the setup program and creating templates on the Configuration
Registrar, refer to the Cisco Intelligence Engine 2100 Series Configuration Registrar Manual.
Table 5-1 Prerequisites for Enabling Automatic Configuration
Device Required Configuration
Access switch Factory default (no configuration file)
Distribution switc h IP helper address
Enable DHCP relay agent
IP routing (if used as default gateway)
DHCP server IP address a ssignme nt
TFTP server IP ad dress
Path to bootstrap co nfiguration file on th e TFTP server
Default gateway IP addr ess
TFTP server Create a bootst rap configura tion file t hat i nclu des the CNS
configura tion co mman ds th at en able th e swit ch to
commun ic ate w it h the IE210 0 C onfigurat ion Regi stra r.
Conf igure the switch to use eith er the switch MA C address or
the se rial num be r (i nste ad of t he de fault h ost n ame) to
generate the configID and eventID.
Conf igure the CNS e v ent ag ent to push the conf igura tion f ile
to the switch.
IE2100 Configuration Registrar Create one or more templates for each type of de vice, and map the
configID of the device to the template.