Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring System Message Logg ing

This c hapter d escrib es how to c onfigure system me ssage log ging on your sw itch.
Note For comp lete syntax a nd usage i nformation f or the commands u sed in th is chapter , refer to the Ci sco IOS
Configuration Fund am en tals Com mand Re ference for Rele ase 12.1.
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa ndin g Sy stem M es sag e Loggi ng , pa ge 23-1
Configuring System Message Logging, page 23-2
Display ing the Lo gging Configurat ion, pag e 23-12

Understandin g System Messa ge Logging

By default, a switch sends the output from system me ssages and debug privileged EXEC commands to
a logging pro cess. The logg ing process co ntrols the distribution of logging me ssages to various
destinati on s, such as the logg ing buffer, t ermi nal lines, or a UN IX syslog se rver, depend in g on you r
configuration . The process also se nds message s to the console.
Note The syslog format is compatible with 4.3 BSD UNIX.
When t he log gi ng pr oce ss i s disa ble d, me ssage s are sent only to the conso le. T he m essage s are sen t a s
they are g ener ated, so messa ge a nd debug out put are int ersp ers ed w it h prom pts or outp ut from o ther
comman ds. Message s are displ ayed on the c onsole af ter the proc ess that gen erated th em has finished .
You can set the severity leve l of the messages to control the type of messages displayed on the console
and each of the destinations. You can timestamp log messages or set the syslog source address to enhance
real-t ime debuggin g and m anag emen t. For inf or mat ion o n possible m essag es, r efer to the sy stem
message guide for this release.
You can access logged system messages b y using the sw itch comm and- line in terfa ce (CLI ) or by sa ving
them to a properly configured syslog server. The switch software saves syslog messages in an internal
buffer. You can remotely monitor system messages by accessing the switch through Telnet, through the
console p ort, or by viewing the logs on a syslo g server.