Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 24 Configuring SNMP Displaying SN MP Status

Displaying SNMP Status

To display SN MP input a nd o utput sta tistic s, inc ludi n g the numbe r of illegal co mmuni ty st rin g en tries ,
errors, a nd re que ste d variable s, use t he show snmp privileged EX EC c om mand. You can al so use th e
other privileged EXEC c omma nds in Table 24-5 to display SNMP information. For information about
the fields in the output displays, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration Fund ament als Command
Reference for Release 12.1.
Table 24-5 Commands for Displa y ing SNM P Inf ormation
Feature Default Setting
show snmp Displays SNMP statistics.
show snmp engineID [local | remote] Displays information on the local SNMP engine and all
remote en gi nes t hat h ave been c onfigu red o n th e device.
show snmp group Displays information on each SNMP group on the network.
show snmp user Displays information on each SNMP user name in the
SNMP users table.