Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring 802.1X Port-Ba sed Authen tication

This chapter describes how to configure IEEE 802.1X port-based authentication to prevent unauthorized
devices (clie nt s) from gaining access to the network. As LANs extend to hote l s , airports, and corporate
lobbies, inse cure environmen ts c ould be cre ated.
Note For comple te syntax and us age inform ation for the co mmands used in this chapter, refer to th e command
refere nce fo r thi s r ele ase.
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa ndin g 8 02.1X Po rt-B ase d Au the nti catio n, pa ge 8 -1
Configuring 80 2. 1X A uthe nti cat ion , page 8- 5
Displayin g 802.1X Statis tics and Status, pa ge 8-14

Understandin g 802.1X Port-Based Authen tication

The IEEE 802.1X standard defines a client-server-based access control and authentication protocol that
restric ts un au thori ze d cl ien ts fr om conn ec ti ng to a L A N thr oug h p ubli cly acc essi ble po rts. Th e
authentication server authenticates each client connected to a switch port before making available any
services offered by the switch or the LAN.
Until the clien t is au th ent ica ted, 802. 1X acc ess cont rol allows only Ex tensi ble Aut hent icat ion Prot ocol
over LAN ( EAPO L) tra ffic through the por t to w h ich the cl ient is conn ec ted . Aft er a uthe nt ic ation i s
successful, normal traffic can pass through the port.
These sec tions descr ibe 802.1 X port -based au thent icatio n:
Device Roles, pa ge 8-2
Authentication Initiation and Message Exchange, page 8-3
Ports in Authorized and Unauthorized States, page 8-4
Supported Topo logies, pag e 8-5