Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware
Link Fail Counts: The number of times the link failed. A link fail interrupts operation of the
Ethernet link for a small number of milliseconds. During this interruption, some packets might be
dropped (d epen ding on tra ffic levels).
PMD Freeze Event Counter: Counts the oc cu rrenc e o f mi cr o-in ter rup tion o r s atur ati on events.
Micro-interruptions and ADC saturations are caused by impulse noise for a short duration. This is
implemented in the octal chip as a 8-bit counter.
The lin k parame ters need to be monito red both for the upstrea m and downstream direction s.
You can use the inf ormation you ge t from th e link monitor to log event s, set t raps, chan ge to a lower rate
profile, and di sable t he auto power bac k-off feature .
See the reference pages for the link monitor commands in the Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Command
Reference for furt her detai ls.

Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware

The 295 0 Long-R each Et hernet (LR E) swit ch can store an d prop erly ap ply LRE bin aries in ca se there
are upda tes requi red to the firmware on the switc hes local LRE controllers or connected customer
premis es equi pmen t (CPE) devices.
Other desi rabl e u pgr ad e- rel ate d fe atur es i ncl ude:
Allowing you to use an earlier version o f the LRE software if required.
Simplifyin g th e upg rade p roc ess a s muc h as pos sible, es pecial ly in cas es wh ere y ou w ant t he a bility
to upgr ad e multi ple C PE devices by issu ing a singl e c om mand.
Note Whe ther upg rading a sing le CPE device or all CPE devices conne cted to an LR E switch, the expected
duration of an LRE upgrade is 3 to 6 minutes (CPE devices connected to marginal links might take longer
than th is to upgr ade) .
You pe rform a n upgrad e with this comma nd:
hw-module slot x upgrade lre [force][local lo n | rem o te l o x/y ]
Autom atic upgra ding is not supporte d. You ca n upgra de in one of the se ways:
Upgrad e a si ngle r emot e CPE d evice.
Upgrade a single local LRE controller (local LRE chipset).
Upgrade all CP E device s and local chipsets t hat require an upgrade (a system-wide upgrade, which
is the default)

Configur ing for an LR E Up gr ade

In the absence of any LRE Upgrade configurations, the LRE upgrade attempts to upgrade all local LRE
controllers and CPE de vices to the most recent compatible versions of the LRE binari es required for each
LRE target device. LRE upgrade configurations should rarely be required. The primary purpose of LRE
upgrade configu rat ion c om mand s is to p rovide for downgr ades of LR E bina rie s.