Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Menu s and Toolba r
STP2Display and configure STP parameters for a switch.
IGMP Sn oopin g2E nable and di sable In ternet Group Manage ment Protoc ol (IGMP) snoo ping an d IGMP
Immediate-Lea ve proc essing on the switch. Join or leav e multicast groups, an d configure
multicast routers.
802.1X1Configure 802 .1X au thent icatio n of devices as they are attac hed to LAN por ts in a
point-to-point infrastructure.
(guide mode available1)Create and maintain access control lists (ACLs), and attach ACLs to specific ports.
Security Wizard1Filter certain traf fic , such as HTT P traf fic, to certain networks o r devic es. Restrict acce ss
to ser vers, ne twor ks, or a ppli cat ion dat a fr om c ertai n net works or d evices.
(guide mode available on some
Display submenu option s to enable and disable quality of service (QoS) and to conf igure
or modi f y th ese p ar ame ters :
Trust settings2
Classes2 (guide mod e available 1)
Policies2 (guide mode available1)
AVVID Wizards1Voice Wizard1Configure a por t to sen d or rece ive voice traffic.
Video Wizard1Optim ize m ult iple vi deo ser vers for se nding v ideo tra ffic.
Data Wizard1Provide a higher priority to specific applications.
LRE Profiles Set profiles for a switch.
LRE Rate Selection Set rate select ion parameters for autom atically assigning prof iles, sett ing signal-to-noi se
(SNR) ma rgins, locking pr ofiles, and qualifyin g links.
Port Settings2Displ ay a nd configu re po rt par ame ters on a sw it ch.
Port Search Search for a port thr ough its descr iption.
Port Security1Enable port security on a port.
EtherChannels2Group ports into logical units for high-speed links between switches.
SPAN2Enable Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring.
Protected Port2Configure a por t to prevent it from rece iving bridged traffic from ano ther port on t he
same switch.
Flooding Contr ol2Blo ck the normal floodi ng of unicast and multic ast packets, and enable the switch to
block packet storms.
(guide mode available1)Di spla y VL AN memb er ship, a ssign po rts to V LANs , a nd configur e 802 .1 Q trun ks.
Displa y and configu re the VL AN Trunking Proto co l (VT P) for int ersw itch VLA N
Management VLAN2Change the m anag em ent V LAN on the swi tch.
VMPS2Configure the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS).
Table 3-11 Menu Bar (continued)
Menu-Bar Options Task