Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring IE2100 CNS Agents
Configur ing CNS Em bedded Agents
Step 3 config-cli
Enter config-cli to connect to the Configuration
Registrar through the interface defined in cns config
connect-intf. Enter line-cli to connect to the
Registrar thr ough m od em di alup l ines .
Note The config-cli interface configuration
command accepts the special directive
char ac ter & that act s as a plac ehol der f or th e
interface name. When the configuration is
applied, the & is replaced with the interface
name. For examp le, to co nnect thr ough
FastEthernet0/0, the command config-cl i
ip route & generates the
comm and ip r oute 0.0.0 .0
Step 4 exit Retu rn to g l obal configura tio n mode .
Step 5 hostname name Enter the host name for the switch.
Step 6 ip rout e ne twork-n umber Establish a static route to the Conf iguration Registrar
whose I P addr ess is network-number.
Step 7 cns id inte rface num {dns-reverse | ipaddress |
mac-address} [event]
cns id {hardware-serial | hostname | string string} [event]
Set th e uni q ue eventID or con figID used by t he
Configuration R egistrar.
For interface num, enter the type of interfacefor
example, Ethe rnet , Grou p-A sy nc , Loopb ac k, or
Virtual-Template. This setting specifies from
which interface the IP or MA C address should be
retrieved to define t h e uniqu e ID.
Fo r { dns-reverse | ipaddress | mac-address}
ente r dns-reverse to ret rieve the host na me and
assign it as the unique ID, enter ipaddress to use
the IP ad dres s, or ent er mac-address to use the
MAC add ress as the un ique ID.
(Optiona l) Enter event to set the ID to be the
event-id value used to identify the switch.
Fo r { hardware-serial | hostname|
string string}, enter hardware-serial to set the
switch ser ial n um be r a s the un ique ID , e nte r
hostname (the default) to select the switch host
name as the unique ID, or enter an arbitrary text
string for string string as the uniqu e ID.
Command Purpose