Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP
Configuring VTP
When you configure a domain name, it cannot be removed; you can only reassign a switch to a different
To retu rn t he sw it ch t o a no- pa ssword s tat e, us e t he no vtp password global co nfiguration c omman d.
This example shows how to use global configuration mode to configure the switch as a VTP server with
the domain name eng_group and th e password mypassword:
Switch# config terminal
Switch(config)# vtp mode server
Switch(config)# vtp domain eng_group
Switch(config)# vtp password mypassword
Switch(config)# end
You can al so use VLAN configur ation mode to configure VTP para meter s. Beginning in pr ivileged
EXEC mode, follow these steps to use VLAN configuration mode to configure the switch as a VTP
When you configure a domain name, it cannot be removed; you can only reassign a switch to a different
To retu rn t he sw it ch t o a no- pa ssword s tat e, us e t he no vtp password VLAN con figurati on comm and.
Step 4 vtp password password (Optiona l) Se t the pa ssword f or the VTP doma in. Th e pa ssword c an b e
from 8 t o 64 ch ar a cte rs.
If you configur e a VTP passwor d, the V TP do ma in d oes not func tio n
proper ly i f yo u d o n ot assi gn the sa m e pa ssword to e ach switc h in the
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 show vtp stat us Verify your entrie s in the VTP O per ating Mode and the VTP Doma in Name
fields of the displa y.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 vlan database Enter VLAN configuration mode.
Step 2 vtp s erver Configure the switch for VTP server mode (the default).
Step 3 vtp domain domain-name Configure a VTP administrative-domain name. The name can be from 1 to 32
char acters. A ll switche s operatin g in VTP server or clie nt mode under the
same administrative responsibility must be configured with the same domain
Step 4 vtp password password (Optiona l) Se t a p ass word for the VTP do mai n. The passwor d can be fr om 8
to 64 characters.
If you configure a VTP password, the VTP domain does not function properly
if you do not assi gn the sam e password to each sw itch in th e domain .
Step 5 exit Update the VLAN database, propaga te it thro ughout th e administ rative
domain, and return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 show vtp stat us Verify your entries in the VTP Operating Mode and the VTP Domain Name
fields of the displa y.