Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting
Using Recovery Procedures

Using Recovery Proced ures

These re covery procedur es requir e that you have physical access to th e switch:
Recovering f ro m C orr upte d Soft ware , page 2 8-6
Recovering fro m a Los t or Forgotte n Password, page 28-6
Recovering fro m a Com ma nd Sw itch Failure , pa ge 2 8-8
Recovering from Lost Member Connectivity, page 28-11

Recovering from Corrupted Software

Switch software can be cor ru pted du ring an up grade , by downloadin g the wr ong file to the swi tch, and
by deleting the image file. In all of these cases, the switch does not pass the power-on self-test (POST),
and there is no connectivity.
This procedure uses the XMODEM Protocol to recover from a corrupt or wrong image file. There are
many software pac kages th at support the XMO DEM pr otocol, an d this procedure is largely depe ndent
on the emulat ion software you are using.
Step 1 Connect a PC with terminal-emulation software supporting the XMODEM Protocol to the switch
console p ort.
Step 2 Set the line speed on the emula tion softwa re to 9600 baud.
Step 3 Disconne ct the sw itch power cord.
Step 4 Reconnect the power cord to the switch.
The sof tware imag e does not load . The s witc h star ts in boot lo ade r mode, which is indic ated by th e
switch# p rom pt.
Step 5 Use the boot loader to enter commands, and start the transfer.
switch# copy xmodem: flash:image_filename.bin
Step 6 When the XMODEM reque st appears , use the app ropriate com mand on the te rminal-emul ation softw are
to start the tra nsfer and t o copy the software ima ge to Flash mem ory.

Recovering from a Lost or Forgotten Password

Follow these steps if you have forgotten or lost the switch password.
Step 1 Connect a terminal or PC with terminal emulation software to the console port. For more information,
refer to the switch hardware installation guide.
Note You can configure your switch for Telnet by following the procedure in the Accessing the CLI
section on page 2-10.
Step 2 Set the line speed on the emula tion softwa re to 9600 baud.