Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 18 Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control
Configuring Port Security
Step 5 switchport port-security maximum
value (Optional ) Set the maxim um numbe r of secure MAC address es for the
interface . The rang e is 1 to 132; the default is 1.
Step 6 switchport port-security violation
{protect | restrict | shutdown}(Optional) Set the violation mode, the action to be taken when a security
violation i s detec ted, as one o f th ese:
protectWhen the number of port secure MAC addresses reaches
the maximu m limit allowed on the port, pac kets with unkn own
source a ddresses are dropped un t il you remove a sufficient number
of secur e M AC addresses to dr op below the m axi mum value.
restrictA port security violation restricts data and causes the
SecurityViolation counter to increment and sends an SNMP trap.
shutdownThe interface is error-disabled when a security
violatio n oc c urs .
Note When a secure port is in the error-disabled state, you can bring
it out of this state by entering the errdis ab le recovery cause
psecure-vi olati on glo bal configur ation c om mand, o r you c an
manually re-enable it by entering the shutdown and no
shutdown inter face configur ation comm ands.
Step 7 switchport port-security mac-address
mac-address (Optional) Enter a static secure MAC address for the interface, repeating
the command as man y ti mes a s neces sary. Yo u can u se this co mmand to
enter the max imum number of secure MAC addresses. If you configure
fewer secure MAC addresses than the maximum, the remaining MAC
addresses are dynamically learned.
Note If you enable sticky learning after you enter this command, the
secu re addr esses that were dy namical ly learne d are c on ve rted to
sticky secure MAC addresses and are added to the running
Step 8 switchport port-security mac-address
sticky (Optional) Enable stick learning on the interface.
Step 9 switchport port-security mac-address
sticky mac-address (Optional) Enter a sticky secure MAC address, repeating the command
as many times as necessary. If you configure fewer secure MAC
addres ses tha n the maxi mum, th e rema ining M AC addres ses ar e
dynamically learned, are converted to sticky secure MAC addresses, and
are ad de d to t he r unn in g co nfigura ti on.
Note If you do not enable sticky learning before this command is
entered, an error message appears, and you cannot enter a sticky
secure MAC address.
Step 10 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 11 show port-security
show port-security address
show p o rt-s ecu ri ty inte rf ace
Verify your ent rie s.
Step 12 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.
Command Purpose