Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Topology Vie w

Topology Icons

The Topology vi ew and the cluster tre e use the sam e set of device icons to represent clusters, command
and standby c omm and sw it ches, a nd m embe r swit che s (see Figure 3-10). The Topology vi ew also use s
additional icons to represent these types of neighboring devices:
Customer premises equipment (CPE) devices that are connected to Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE)
Devices that are not eligible to join the cluster, such as Cisco IP phones, Cisco access points, and
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP )-capab le hubs and rout ers
Note The System Switch Processor (SSP) card in the Cisco Integrated Communications System
(ICS) 7750 appears as a Layer 2 switch. SSP cards are not eligible to join switch clusters.
Devices that are identified as unknown devices, such as some Cisco device s and third-party devices
Tip Neighbor ing devices are onl y displaye d if they are conne cted to cluster me mber s. To display
neighboring devices in the Topology view , either add the switch to which they are connected to a cluster,
or enable that switch as a command switch.
Note Ca ndida te swit ches ar e di sti ngu ished by t he c olo r o f thei r device lab el. Device l abe ls a nd the ir c olo rs
are desc ribed in the Colors in the Topology View s ectio n on page 3- 14.
To select a de vice, cl ick the ic on. The icon is t hen highlig hted. To select multip le de vices, you can either:
Press the left mouse button, drag the pointer over the group of icons that you want to select, and then
release the mouse button.
Press the Ctrl key, and click the icons that you want to select.
Figure 3-10 Topology-View Device Icons
The Topo logy v iew also uses a s et of lin k ic on s (s ee Figure 3-11) to show the link type and status
between two devices. To select a link, click the link that you want to select. To select multiple links,
press the Ctrl key, and click the links that you want to select.