Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working w it h t he Flash File Syst em
Use the /recursive keyword for deleti ng a direct ory and all sub directo ries and the files contained in it.
Use the /force keyword to suppress th e p rom pting t h at c onfirms a d ele ti on o f eac h file in th e di rec tor y.
You are pro mp ted only on ce at th e beginning of t his de leti on proc ess. Use th e /force and /recursive
keywords for del etin g o ld so ftware ima ges th at were inst all ed by us in g th e archive download-sw
comm an d but ar e no l onger n ee de d.
If you o mit the filesystem: option, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. For
file-url, you specify the path (directory) and the name of the file to be deleted.
If you attempt to delete the file specified by the CONFIG_FILE or BOOT environment variable, the
system promp ts you to conf irm the deletio n. If you attemp t to delete the last va lid system image spec ified
in the BOOT environment variab le, the system prompts you t o confirm the del etion.
Caution When files are deleted, their contents cannot be recovered.
This example shows how to delete the file myconfig f rom the defaul t Fla sh m e mory device:
Switch# delete myconfig

Creating, Displaying, and Extracting tar Files

You can create a tar file and write files into it, list the files in a tar file, and extract the files from a tar
file as des cr ibed in the next se c tions.

Creating a tar File

To create a tar file and write files into it, use this privileged EXEC command:
archive tar /create destination-url flash:/file-url
For destination-url, specify the destination URL alias for the local or network file system and the name
of the tar file to create. These options are supported:
For the local Flash file system, the syntax is
For the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the syntax is
For the Remote Copy Protocol (RCP), the syntax i s
For the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), the syntax is
The tar-filename.tar is the tar file to be created.
For flash:/file-url, specify the location on the local Flash file system from which the new tar file is
created. You can also specify an optional list of files or directories within the source directory to write
to the new tar file. If none are specified, all files and directories at this level are written to the newly
created tar file.
This example shows how to create a tar file. This command writes the contents of the new-configs
directory on the local Flash device to a file named saved.tar on the TFT P ser ver a t 17 2.2 0. 10.30:
Switch# archive tar /create tftp: flash:/new-configs