Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working w ith Configuration Files
For the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), the syntax is
The tar-filename.tar is the tar file from which to extract files.
For flash:/file-url, specify the loca tio n on the local Flash fil e system into which the tar file is e xtrac ted .
You can also specify an optional list of files or directories within the tar file for extraction. If none are
specified, all files and directories are extracted.
This e xample sho ws ho w to extra ct the conten ts of a tar f ile loc ated on the TFTP serv er at 172. 20.10.30.
This command extracts just the new-configs dire ctor y into t h e root dir ect ory on the lo cal Fla sh file
system. The remaining files in the saved.tar file are ignor ed.
Switch# archive tar /xtract tftp:/ flash:/new-configs

Displaying the Contents of a File

To di splay the contents of an y readable file, in cluding a f ile on a remote f ile system, use the more [/ascii
| /binary | /ebcdic] file-url privileged EXEC c omman d:
This exam ple sh ows how to displa y the co nten ts of a con figurat ion file on a T FTP server:
Switch# more tftp://serverA/hampton/savedconfig
! Saved configuration on server
version 11.3
service timestamps log datetime localtime
service linenumber
service udp-small-servers
service pt-vty-logging
<output truncated>

Working with Configuration Files

This section describes how to create, load, and maintain configuration files. Configuration files contain
comman ds entere d to custo mize the fu nctio n of the Cisco IO S software. To better bene fit from these
instructions, your switch must contain a minimal configuration for interacting with the system software.
You can cr ea te a b as ic co nfiguration file by u sin g th e setup pr ogram or by ente ring th e setup privileged
EXEC command. For more information, see Chapter 4, Assign ing the Switch IP Ad dress an d Default
You ca n copy (download) configuration files from a TF TP, FTP, or R CP se rver to the ru nning
configurati on or st art up configu ratio n o f the swi tch. You might want to perf or m this fo r one o f these
To restore a backed-up configuration file.
To use the configuration file for another switch. For example, you might add another switch to your
networ k and want it to ha v e a conf igurat ion similar to the original switch. By copying the f ile to the
new switch, you can c hange the re leva nt part s rather tha n recrea ting the w hole file.
To load t he sam e configur ati on c omm an ds on al l the sw itche s i n your ne twork so tha t a ll the
switches have similar configurations.