Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 18 Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control
Displaying Port-Base d Traffic Control Sett in gs

Displaying Port-Based Traffic Control Settings

The show interfaces interface-id switchport privileged EXE C c om mand disp lays (a mong othe r
characteristics) the interface traffic suppression and control configuration. The show in terfac es
counters privile ged EXEC commands display the count of discarded packets. The show storm-control
and show port-security privileged EXEC com ma nds disp lay those feat ur es.
To display traff ic control information, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in Table 18-2.
Table 18-2 Commands for Displa y ing Tra ffic Contr ol Status and Configur a tion
Command Purpose
show interfaces [interface-id] switchport Displays the administrative and operational status of all switching
(nonrouting) ports or the specified port, including port protection
show storm-control [interface-id] [broadcast |
multicast | unicast]Displays storm control suppression levels set on all interfaces or the
specif ied inter face for the sp ecif ied traf fi c type or for b roadcast traf f ic
if no traffic type is entered.
show interfaces [interface-id] counters broadcast Displays the storm-control broadcast suppression discard counter with
the num ber of pa ckets disc arde d for a ll inte rface s or the speci fied
show interfaces [interface-id] counters multicast Displays th e storm-control multicas t suppression discard counte r with
the num ber of pa ckets disc arde d for a ll inte rface s or the speci fied
show interfaces [interface-id] counters unicast Displays the storm-cont rol unicast supp ression disc ard co unter with
the num ber of pa ckets disc arde d for a ll inte rface s or the speci fied
show port-security [interface interface-id] Displays port security settings for the switch or for the specified
interface, including the maximum allowed number of secure MAC
addr es ses f o r e ach in terface, the nu mber of secu re MAC addr es ses o n
the interface, the number of security violations that have occurred, and
the viola tion mod e.
show port -secur ity [interface interface-id] address Displays all secure MA C addresses configured on all switch interfaces
or on a specified inte rface with aging in format ion for each address.