Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Swit ches Using the CLI to Manage Switch Clusters

Using the CLI to Manage Swit ch Clusters

You can co nfigure memb er switch es from the CLI by first logg ing into the co mmand switch . Enter the
rcommand user EXEC com mand and th e membe r switch numb er to star t a Telnet ses sion (t hrough a
console or Telnet connection) and to access the member switch CLI. The command mode changes, and
the IOS co mmand s oper ate as usua l. Ent er t he exit p rivileged EXEC comman d on the me mber switc h to
return to the command-switch CLI.
This exam ple shows how to lo g in to m em ber-switch 3 fro m t he c omm and- switc h CLI:
switch# rcommand 3
If you do not know the mem ber-switch num ber, enter the show cluster members privileged EXEC
command on the command switch. For more information about the rcommand comm and and all other
cluster commands, refer to the switch command reference.
The Telnet session accesses the member-switch CLI at the same privilege level as on the command
switch. T he IOS command s then operat e as usual. F or instruct ions on conf igurin g the switch for a Telnet
session, see the Disabling Password Recovery section o n pa ge 7-5.

Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 CLI Considerations

If your switch cluster has Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches running standard edition software,
the Telnet sessi on acc ess es t he ma nage me nt co nso le (a me nu-dr i v e n inte rf ac e) if the com mand swit ch is
at privilege level 15. If the command switch is at privilege level 1 to 14, you are prompted for the
password to acce ss the me nu consol e.
Command-switch pri vilege le vels map to the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 member switches running
standa rd and Ent erp ri se E di tio n So ftwa re as fol lows:
If the command -swi tch privilege le vel is 1 to 14, the member swit ch is accesse d at privilege lev e l 1.
If the command-switch privilege level is 15, the member switch is accessed at privilege level 15.
Note Th e Catal yst 1900 and Ca taly st 2820 CLI i s available onl y o n swit che s runn in g Ent erp rise Ed itio n
For more information about the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2 820 switches, refer to the installation and
configurati on guid es fo r those swi tch es.