Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Configuration Files

Copying Configuration Files By Using TFTP

You can configure the switch by using configurati on files you create, downloa d from anot her switch, or
download fr om a T FTP se rver. You c an c opy ( up load ) con figurat ion files to a TF TP ser ver f or stor ag e.
This section includes this information:
Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File By Using TFTP, page B-11
Downloading the Configuration File By Using TFTP, page B-12
Uploading the Configuration File By Using TFTP, page B-12

Preparing to Download or Upload a Configuration File By Using TFTP

Before yo u begin downloading or uplo ading a co nfiguration file by using TFTP, do these tasks:
Ensure that the workstation acting as the TFTP server is properly configured. On a Sun workstation,
make sure that the /etc/inetd.conf file contains this line:
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot
Make sure that the /etc/services file contains this line:
tftp 69/udp
Note You must restart th e inetd daemon after modifyi ng the /etc /inetd.conf and /etc/services files.
To restart the daemon, either stop the inetd process and restart it, or enter a fastboot
command (on the SunOS 4.x) or a reboot command (on Solaris 2.x or SunOS 5.x). For more
inform ati on on t he T FTP da em on, re fer to the d ocume nta ti on for y our workst atio n.
Ensure that the switch has a route to the TFTP server. The switch and the TFTP server must be in
the same subnetwork if you do not hav e a router to route traf fic between subnets. Check connectivity
to the TFTP server by using the ping command.
Ensure that the configuration file to be downloaded is in the correct directory on the TFTP server
(usually /tftpboot on a UNIX workstation).
For download op erati ons , ensu re that the pe rmis sion s on the file ar e set co rrec tly. The per mis sion
on the file should be world-read.
Before uplo adin g the co n figuration file, you mi ght n ee d t o cre ate an empt y file on th e T FTP ser ver.
To create an empty file, enter the touch filename comman d, whe re filename is the name of the file
you wi ll use w h en up load ing i t t o th e ser ver.
During upload operations, if you are ov erwriting an existing file (including an empty file, if you had
to create o ne ) on t he server, ensu re t hat th e p ermission s on th e file are set co r rectly. Permissions on
the file shou ld b e world- writ e.