Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Protecting Access to Priv ileged EXEC Com m ands
To disable username authentication for a specific user, use the no username name global configuration
comman d. To di sable pa ssword checki ng and all ow con nection s without a password, use th e no login
line configurati on comma nd.

Configuring Multiple Privilege Level s

By default, the IOS software has two modes of password secur ity: user EXEC and privileged EXEC.
You can configure up to 16 hierarchical levels of commands for each mode. By configuring multiple
passwords, you can allow different sets of users to have access to specified commands.
For example, if you want ma ny users to have access to the clear line command, you ca n assign it
le vel 2 security and distribute the lev el 2 passw ord fair ly wid ely. But if you want more restricted ac cess
to the configure command, you can assign it level 3 security and distribute that password to a more
restric ted group of u ser s.
This section includes this configuration information:
Setting the Privilege Level for a Command, page 7-8
Changing the Default Privilege Level for Lines, page 7-9
Logging int o a nd Ex iting a Pr ivilege Level, page 7 -10

Setting the Privilege Level for a Command

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to set the privilege level for a command mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 privilege mode level level command Set the privilege level for a command.
For mode, ente r configure for glob al co nfigur atio n mo de , exec for
EXEC mode, interface for interface c onfigurati on mod e, or line fo r
line configurat ion mode .
For level, the range is from 0 to 15. Lev el 1 is for normal user EXEC
mode privileges. Level 15 is the level of access permitted by the
enable password.
For command, specify the c omman d to which you wa nt to restric t
Step 3 enable pa ssword level level password Specify the enable password for the privilege level.
For level, the range is from 0 to 15. Lev el 1 is for normal user EXEC
mode privileges.
For password, speci fy a str ing from 1 to 25 alph anu meric char acter s.
The string ca nnot start with a numbe r, is case se nsitive, and all ows
spaces but ignores leading space s. By default, no pa ssword is
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.