Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring SNMP

This chapt er describ es how to configure the Simpl e Network Manage ment Proto col (SNMP) on you r
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the switch
command reference for this release and to the Cisco IO S C onfiguration Fu ndame ntal s Com man d
Reference for Release 12.1.
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa nding SNMP, page 24-1
Configuring SNMP, page 24-5
Displaying SNMP Stat us, pa ge 2 4- 15

Understandin g SNMP

SNMP is an ap plicatio n-laye r protoc ol that provides a me ssage form at for com munica tion betwe en
manage rs an d ag ents. T he SN MP sy st em cons is ts of a n SN M P m an ager, an S NMP agen t , and a
management information base (MIB). The SNMP manager can be part of a network management system
(NMS) s uch as C iscoWorks. The agen t and M IB resi de on the switch . To conf igur e SNMP on the switc h,
you define the relationship between the manager and the agent.
The SNMP agent contains MIB variables whose values the SNMP manager can request or change. A
manager can get a value from an agent or store a value into the agent. The agent gathers data from the
MIB, the rep ository for info rmation a bout device parame ters and ne twork data . The agen t can also
respond to a m anag er s requests to ge t or set data.
An agent can send unsolicited traps to the manager. Traps are messages alerting the SNMP manager to
a conditi on on the netwo rk. Traps can mean impro per user aut hen tication , restar ts, lin k status (up or
down), MAC ad dress tra cking, c losing of a TCP con nection, loss of conne ction to a neig hbor, or other
significant events.
This section includes information about these topics:
SNMP Versions, page 24-2
SNMP Manage r Functions, page 24-3
SNMP Agent Functions, pa ge 24-3
SNMP Community Strings, page 24-4