Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware

Global Configuration of LRE Upgrades

Beginning in pri vileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to perform a system-wide upgrade to configure
the LRE bina ry to ap ply to a target device and upg radable ha rdware el ement com bina tion:
Note Th e lre upgrade default mode command essentially overrides the system default selection of an LRE
binary for a specified family of CPE devices (ta rget devices).

Controller Configuration of LRE Upgrades

Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to explicitly direct the LRE binaries to be
applied to either the local controller or a specific VDSL link:
You can use the upgrade configuratio n comma nd in the co ntrolle r submode to overr ide the system
defau lt selecti on of an LRE binary that w ill be app lied on eith er end of a partic ular LRE lin k. Controller
configurat ion s t ake p re cede nc e over gl obal u pgrad e co nfigurat ions .
The preserve ke yword causes the LRE upgrade mechanism to not upgrade th e local controller on whic h
preserve is configur ed or a ny of the CPE devices con nec te d to tha t c ontr ol ler. If you wan t to pre se rve
(in other word s, not upgra de) some of t he CPE devices connect ed to a partic ular con troller but allow
upgrade s to ot hers, you can ente r cont rol ler up grade co nfigurati on comma nd s for the lin ks you want t o
The no form of t he comma nd removes the comm and for appl ying a part icular LR E binary. To resume
default upgrade behavior for a gi v en controller , do not configure the custom upgrade commands on that
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 lre binary default targe t_d evice LRE_ binary Enter the devi ce to which the LRE binary should be applied; and
the LRE bi nary to be a pplied.
Step 3 end Return to p rivileged EXEC mod e.
Step 4 show lre upgrade version Verify the change.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 controller lre chipset_number Enter the particular LRE local chipset on the switch to be applied .
Step 3 upgrade <[remo t e l o x/y] LRE_Binary |
preserve>Enter t he L RE bina ry to be appl ie d, or set preserve, wh ich
prevents the u pgrade of any CPE devices connecte d to a
controller or local chipset.
Step 4 end Return to p rivileged EXEC mod e.
Step 5 show lre upgrade version Verify the change.