Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
RMON 22-3
RSPAN 21-8
RSTP and MSTP 12-12
SNMP 24-6
SPAN 21-8
STP 11-10
system message logging 23-3
system name and prompt 7-48
TACACS+ 7-13
UDLD 19-3
VLAN, La yer 2 Ethe rnet in terfa ces 14-17
VLANs 14-8
VMPS 14-27
voice VLAN 16-2
VTP 15-6
default gateway 4-10
deleting V LANs 14-10
descri ption co mman d 9-16
destination addres ses, in ACLs 25-12
detecting indirect link failures, STP 13-10
device di scovery pr otocol 20-1
device ic ons
Topolog y v iew 3-12
device la bels 3-13
Device Manager 3-2
See also Switch Manager
device pop -up men u
Front Pane l vie w 3-21
Topolog y v iew 3-23
DHCP 1-3
DHCP-based autoconfiguration
client request message exchange 4-4
client side 4-3
DNS 4-6
relay de vic e 4-6
server-side 4-5
TFTP se rv er 4-5
example 4-8
lease options
for IP address information 4-5
for receiving the configuration file 4-5
overview 4-3
relationship to BOOTP 4-3
Differentiated Services architecture, QoS 26-2
Differentiated Services Code Point 26-2
digital tele phone net works 1-2
changing B-4
creating a nd removi ng B-4
displaying t he w orki ng B-4
discovery , clus ters
See automatic discovery
display opt ions, Top ology v iew 3-15
Disqual ificat ion Code opti on 3-25
and DHCP-based autoconfiguration 4-6
default configuration 7-50
displaying the c onfi gura tion 7-51
overview 7-49
setting up 7-50
documentation, related xxix
domain names
DNS 7-49
VTP 15-8
Domain Name System
configura tion fil es
preparing B-11, B-13, B-17
reasons for B-8
using FTP B-14
using RC P B-17
using T FTP B-12
image files
deleting old image B-24
preparing B-22, B-25, B-29
reasons for B-20