Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide


1000BASE -L X/LH modul e 1-10
1000BASE -SX m odu le 1-10
1000BASE -ZX modul e 1-10
CWDM m odul e 1-20
GigaStack module 1-9
security and identification 28-13
get-bulk -requ est operati on 24-3
get-next -r eque st op er ati on 24-3, 24-4
get-requ est opera tion 24-3, 24-4
get-response o peration 24-3
Gigabit In terfac e Convert ers
GigaStack GBIC
fast transition of redundant link 13-5
See also GBICs
global con figu ra tio n m ode 2-2
graphs , bandwidt h 3-8
audience xxv
ograni zation of xxvi
purpose xxv
guideline s, CPE Eth erne t li nks 10-7
guide mode 3-25


HC (candidate switch) 6-23
hello time
MSTP 12-19
STP 11-19
help, for the command line 2-3
Help button, CMS 3-30
Help Contents 3-26
chan ging t he b uff er si z e 2-6
described 2-6
disabling 2-7
recall ing comm ands 2-6
history t able , le vel a nd nu mber of sysl og messa ges 23-10
host name lis t, CMS 3-28
host names
abbrevia tions ap pended t o 6-23
in clusters 6-16
hosts, lim it on dynam ic ports 14-31
HP OpenView 1-7
automatic cluster recovery 6-15
cluster st andb y g roup c on side rations 6-13
See also clu sters, cl uster st andby group, an d standby
command switch
HTTP access 3-31, 3-32
Hyperte xt T ransf er Pr ot ocol
See HTTP access


cluster tree 3-6
Topolog y view 3-14
editable table cell 3-29
Front Panel view 3-7
multilink 3-23
sorting 3-29
toolbar 3-20
Topolog y view 3-12
web link 3-29
CNS embedded agents
described 5-5
enabling automated configuration 5-6
enabling configuration agent 5-9
enab lin g event agen t 5-8
Configuration Registrar
configID , devic eID, hostna me 5-3