Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS


Note Wizards are not available if your switch access level is read-only. For more information about the
read-only access mode, see the Ac cess Modes in CMS section on page 3-31.
Wizards simplify some configuration tasks on the switch. Similar to the guide mode, wizards provide a
step-by-st ep a ppr oach f or co mple ting a spe cific c onfigura tion t ask. U nli ke gui de m od e, a wi zar d d oe s
not prom pt y ou to provid e info rma ti on for all o f the f eat ure o pt ions. Instea d, it pro mpt s you to provide
minimal informa tion and th en uses the de fault setti ngs of the rema ining opti ons to set up de fault
Wizards are not available for all features. A menu-bar option that has wizard m eans that selecting that
option la unche s th e wiz a rd fo r t h at f eat ur e.

Tool Tips

CMS displ ays a po pup message when yo u move your m ouse over thes e devices:
A yell ow device icon in t he c lust er tre e or i n Topology vi ewA popup displ ays a fault messag e,
such as that the RPS is faulty or that the switch is unavailable because you are in read-only mode.
A red device i con i n the cl uste r tr ee o r in Topol ogy vi ewA popup di splays a messa ge that the
switch is down.
If you move your mouse over a table col umn headi ng, a pop up displays th e full head ing.

Online Help

CMS provides co mprehen sive online help to assist you in und erstand ing and per forming configuration
and monito ring task s from the CMS windows (see Figure 3-13Figure 3-14).
Featur e help, available from the menu bar by select ing Help > Contents, provides backgroun d
inform ation a nd concep ts on the features.
Dialog-specific help, available from Help on the CMS windows, provides procedures for
perform ing tasks.
Index of h elp topi cs .
Glossary of terms used in the online help.
You can send us feedbac k a bout th e in for matio n provided in the o n line h elp. Clic k Feedback to display
an online form. After completing the form, click Submit to send you r comments to Cis co. W e appreciate
and value your com ment s.