Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+

TACACS+ Operation

When a user attempts a simple ASCII login by authenticating to a switch using TACACS+, this process
1. When th e connection is establishe d, the swi tch contact s the TA CA CS+ daemon t o obtain a us ername
prompt, which is then displayed to the user . The user enters a username, and the switch then contacts
the TACACS+ daemo n to obt ain a passwor d pro mpt. T he swi tch di sp lays t he p assword promp t t o
the user, the user enters a pa ssword, and the pa ssword is then sent to the TACACS+ daemon.
TACACS+ allows a conversation to be held between the daemon and the user until the daemon
receives enough info rmat ion to au thentic ate th e user. The daem on promp ts for a userna me and
password com bi nat ion, but can in clud e othe r item s, such a s the use rs mothers maiden name.
2. The sw itch eventual ly rece ives one of thes e respo nses from the TACAC S+ da emon:
a. ACCEPTThe user is authenticated and service can begin. If the switch is configured to
requir e au thor iza tio n, a uthor iza tion begins a t t his t ime.
b. REJECTThe user is not authenticated. The user can be denied access or is prompted to retry
the log in se quenc e, de pendi ng on th e TACACS+ daem on .
c. ERRORAn error occurred at some time during authentication with the daemon or in the
network connection between the daemon and the switch. If an ERR OR response is received, the
switch typically tries to use an alternative method for authenticating the user.
d. CONTINUEThe user is prompted for additional authentication information.
After authe ntica tio n, th e u ser u ndergoes an a dditio nal au th oriz ation p has e if auth oriz atio n has be en
enabled on the switch. Users must first successfully complete TACACS+ authentication before
procee ding to TACACS+ authoriza tion.
3. If TACACS+ autho riza tion i s re quir ed, t he TACACS+ daemon is a gain cont acte d, an d it retur ns a n
ACCEPT or R EJECT a uthorization respo nse. If an ACCEPT response is r eturne d, the re sponse
contains data in the form of attributes that direct the EXEC or NETWORK session for that user,
determining the services that the user can access:
Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), rlogin, or privileged EXEC services
Connecti on para met ers, inc luding t he h ost o r cli ent I P addr ess , ac cess l ist, a nd user time outs

Configuring TACACS+

This se ction de scri bes how to c onfigure yo ur swi tch to su ppo rt TACAC S+. At a m ini mum, yo u must
identify the host or hosts maintaining the TACACS+ daemon and define the method lists for TACACS+
authentication. You can optionally define method lists for TACACS+ authorization and accounting. A
method list defines the sequence and methods to be used to authentic ate, to authorize, or to k eep accounts
on a user . You can use method lists to designate one or more security protocols to be used, thus ensuring
a backup syste m if the in itial meth od fails. The software us es the first method l isted to aut hentic ate, to
authorize, or to keep accounts on users; if that method does not respond, the software selects the next
method in the list. This process continues until there is successful communication with a listed method
or the m eth od list is exhaust ed.