Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring IE2100 CNS Ag ents

This chap ter describes h ow to c onfigure th e Intelligence Engine 2100 (IE21 00) Series Cisco N etworking
Services (CNS) embedded agents on your switch. To use the feature described in this chapter, you must
have the enhanced software image (EI) installed on your switch.
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, refer to the Cisco
Intellige nce Engine 2100 Seri es Configuration Registrar Manual, a nd select Cisco IOS Software
Release 12.2 > New Feature Documentation > 12.2(2)T on .
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa nding IE2 100 Seri es Configuration Regi strar Soft ware, page 5-1
Understa nding CNS Em bedded Age nts, page 5-5
Configuring CNS Em bedded A gents, pa ge 5-6
Displaying CNS Configuration, page 5-13

Understandin g IE2100 Series Configurati on Registrar Software

The IE2100 Series Configuration Registrar is a network management device that acts as a configuration
service fo r a uto matin g t h e de ployme nt a nd mana ge ment of ne twork devices a nd servi ces
(see Figure 5-1). Ea ch Co nfigurat ion Regist rar m ana ges a gr ou p o f Cisco IOS devices (sw itche s an d
routers) and the services that they deliver, storing their configurations and delivering them as needed.
The Configuration Registrar automates initial configurations and configuration updates by generating
device-spe cific configuration changes, sending them to th e device, executi n g the configuration change,
and loggi ng the resul ts.
The Con figurat ion Registrar suppo rts st anda lon e and se r ver mode s and h as t hes e CNS c ompon ent s:
Configurati on service (w eb server, file manager, and namespace ma pping server)
Event service (event gateway)
Data service directory (data models and schema)
In stand alone mod e, t he Con figuratio n Regist rar su ppo rts a n embe dd ed CN S Dir ector y Servi ce. In this
mode, no externa l di rec tory o r ot her data store is re quir ed . In ser ver mo de , the Con figuratio n Registra r
supports the use of a user-defined external directory.