Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Configuring RMO N Configuring RMON
Note RMON configuration, status, and display for remote CPE FE interfaces is supported through SNMP only
by using the RMON-MIB.

Default RMON Configuration

RMON is disa bled by default ; no alarms or events are configured .
Only RMON 1 is supp orted on the switch.

Configuring RMON Alarms and Events

You can co nfigure you r s witc h f or RMO N by using the c om mand -l ine int erfac e ( CLI ) or an
SNMP-compatible network management station. We recommend that you use a generic RMON console
applica tion on the net work m a nagem ent sta tion ( N MS) t o take a dvantage of RM ON s network
management capabilities. You must also configure SNMP on the switch to access RMON MIB objects.
For more inf ormati on, see Chapter 24, Configuring SN MP.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable RMON alarms and events:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter glob al con figura tion mo de.
Step 2 rmon alarm number variable interval {absolute | delta}
rising-threshold value [event-number]
falling-threshold value [event-number]
[owne r string]
Set an alarm on a MIB object.
For number, specify the alarm number. The
range is 1 to 65 535 .
For variable, speci fy the MIB object to mo nitor.
For interval, specify the time in seconds the
alarm monitors the MIB variable. The range is
1 to 4294967295 secon ds.
Specify the absolute ke yword to test each MIB
variable directly; specify the delta keywo rd t o
test t h e ch an ge bet wee n sam pl e s o f a MI B
For value, specify a n umb er at wh ich th e ala rm
is trig gered an d one for wh en the al arm is res et.
The range for the risin g threshold a nd falling
threshold values is -21474836 48 to
(Optiona l) For event-number, specify the event
number to trigger when the rising or falling
thre sh old excee ds it s l imi t.
(Optional) For owner string, specify the owner
of the alarm.