Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Software Images
The download a lgor ithm verifies tha t t he i m age i s a pp ropri ate f or the swi tch m odel and t hat enou gh
DRAM is present, or it aborts the process and reports an error. If you specify the /overwrite option, the
download algorithm re moves the exis ti ng imag e on the Flash device whether o r not it is the sa me as the
new one, downloads the new image, and then reloads the software.
Note If the Flash device has suf ficient space to hold two images and you want to overwrite one of these images
with the same version, you must specify the /overwrite option.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 archive download-sw /overwrite /reload
Do w nl oad t he im age file fr om th e RCP se rv er to the switch,
and overwr ite th e cu rrent ima ge .
The /overwrite option overwrites the software image in
Flash with the downloaded image.
The /reload option reloads the system after
downloading the image unless the configuration has
been cha nged and not been saved.
For //username, speci fy the u serna me. For th e RCP
copy reque st t o execute suc cess full y, an ac cou nt m ust
be defined on the network server for the remote
username . For more inform atio n, see the Preparing to
Download or Upload an Image File By Using RCP
section on pa ge B-29.
For @location, specify th e IP addr ess of the RCP serv er .
For /directory/image-name.tar, specify the dire ctory
(optio nal) and th e image to download. Di rector y and
imag e names are ca se sens itive.
Step 7 archive download-sw /leave-old-sw /reload
Do w nl oad t he im age file fr om th e RCP se rv er to the switch,
and keep the current image.
The /leave-old-sw opti on keeps the old softw are ve rsion
after a download.
The /reload option reloads the system after
downloading the image unless the configuration has
been cha nged and not been saved.
For //username, speci fy the u serna me. For th e RCP
copy request to execute , an account must be defined on
the network server for the re mote us ername . For more
info rmation , see th e Prepa ring to Download or Upload
an Imag e Fil e By Usin g RCP section on page B-29.
For @location, specify th e IP addr ess of the RCP serv er .
For /directory]/image-name.tar, specify the directory
(optio nal) and th e image to download. Di rector y and
imag e names are ca se sens itive.
Command Purpose