Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Menus and Toolbar
Table 3-11 Menu Bar
Menu-Bar Options Task
Page Setup Set de fau lt doc um en t pr int er p rop er ties t o be use d whe n pr intin g fro m CM S.
Print Preview View the way the CMS window or help file will appear when printed.
Print Print a CMS window or help file.
Guide Mod e/E xpe rt Mo de1Se lect which in teracti on mode to use when you se lect a configuratio n option.
Preferences2Set CMS d isplay properties, such as polling intervals, the default views to open at
startup, and the color of ad ministratively shutdown ports.
IP Addresses2Co nfigure IP infor mation for a switch.
SNMP2Enable a nd disa ble Simple Ne twork Man ag emen t Pro toc ol ( SNMP), e nter co mm unit y
strin gs, and configur e end stati ons as trap ma nagers.
System Time2Configure t he syst em time or con figure the Ne twork Time Protoc ol ( NTP) .
HTTP Port2Configure the Hype rtext Transfer Pr otocol (H TT P) por t nu mbe r.
Users a nd Password s Configure use rnam es an d pas sword s f or privilege levels 0 to 15 .
Console Baud Ra te2Change the baud rate for the switch console port.
MAC A ddresses2Enter dynamic, secure, and static addresses in a switch address table. You can also define
the forwar ding behavior of static addr esses.
ARP2Display th e device Ad dre ss Res ol uti on Prot o col (A RP) tabl e, a nd configu re the A RP
cache timeout setting.
Save Configuration1Save the configurati on for the cl uster or switch to Flash memory.
Restore Config uratio n Restore the configuration file to one or more switches in the cluster.
Sof tware Up gra de1Upgrade the software for the cluster or a switch.
LRE Software Upg ra de Upgra de t he b in ary on the swi tch.
System Reload1Reboot the switch with the latest installed software.
Event Notification Create notification IDs that generate e-mail notifications when system events occur.
Cluster Ma nager3Launch a CMS session from the member switch.
Create Cluster1 4Desig nate a c ommand swi tch, and na me a cluste r.
Delete Cluster1 5Delete a cluster.
Add to Cluster1 5Add a c andi dat e t o a cl uste r.
Remove from Cluster1 5Re move a member from th e cluste r.
Standby Command Switches2 5Cr ea te a Hot Stand by Route r Proto col (H SRP) standby gr oup to provide
comma nd-switch re dundancy.
Hop Count2 5E nt er th e num ber of hop s away t hat a c om mand sw itch l ooks f or me mber s a nd fo r
candidate switches.
Device Manager5Launch Device Manager for a specific switch.
Host Name1Chan ge the host name of a switch.