Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Menus and Toolbar
Voice VLAN2Config ure a port to use a voice V LAN for vo ice traf f ic, separating it from the VLANs for
data traffic.
Inventory Displa y the device type , software versio n, IP address, and other info rmat ion abou t a
Port Statistics Display port statistics.
Bandwidth G raphs Display g ra phs t hat plot the tota l ba nd width in use by t he swi tc h.
Link G rap hs Displa y a gra ph showing th e bandw idt h being use d f or t he se le cte d li nk .
Link Reports Display the link report for two connected de vices. If one device is an unknown device or
a candidate, only the cluster-member side of the link displays.
ACL Reports Displa y a report abou t ACL statistics.
Multica st Displa y reports about mu lticast or IG MP statisti cs.
Resource Mo ni tor Displa y m asks f or ACL and Qo S po licy ma ps.
System Messages Display the mo st recent system messages (IOS message s an d switch -spe cific message s)
sent by the swit ch software .
This option is av ailable on the Catalyst 2950 or Catalyst 3550 switches. It is not av ailable
from the Cata lyst 2 900 X L and Catal yst 3500 XL switche s. You can displa y the system
messages of the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches when they are in a
cluster where the c ommand swit ch is a Cataly st 2950 swit ch runni ng
Release 12.1(6) EA2 or la ter or a C ata lyst 3550 switch ru nning Re le ase 1 2. 1(8 )EA1 or
later. For more information about system messages, refer to the switch system messag e
Ping and Trace Perform a ping, Lay er 2 tracer oute, or Laye r 3 tracero ute opera tion on or to a spe cific
Note If you perform a Layer 3 traceroute operation, information about Layer 2 devices
in the pat h are not displ ayed.
Refresh Update the views with the latest status.
Front Panel Display the Front Panel view.
Arrang e Front Panel1 5ppp Rearrange the order in which switches appear in th e Front Panel view.
Topology5Displ ay t he Topology v iew.
Topo logy Optio ns 5Select the in for mat ion to b e di spla yed in t he Topology view.
Autom atic Topology Layou t5Requ est CMS to rear range the t opology layo ut.
Save Topology La yout 1 5Save the presentation of the cluster icons that you arranged in the Topology view to Flash
Window L ist the open windows in your CMS se ssion.
Overview Obtain an overview of the CMS interface.
Whats New Obtai n a d es cript ion o f th e new CMS fe atur es.
Table 3-11 Menu Bar (continued)
Menu-Bar Options Task