Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 20 Configuring CDP Monitoring and Maintaining CDP

Monitoring and Maintaining CDP

To monito r a nd m aint ai n CD P on your device, p er form one or mor e of the se tasks, beginni n g in
privileged EXEC mo de .
This i s a n exam ple of the o utput from t he show cdp privileged EXEC commands:
Switch# show cdp
Global CDP information:
Sending CDP packets every 50 seconds
Sending a holdtime value of 120 seconds
Sending CDPv2 advertisements is enabled
Command Description
clear cdp counters Reset the traffic counters to zero.
clear cdp table Delete the CDP table of information about neighbors.
show cdp Dis play global i n fo rm at ion, s uc h as frequ en cy of tran s mi ss i ons an d th e hol d ti m e
for packets being sent.
show cdp entry entry-name
[protocol |version]Display information about a specific neighbor.
You can en ter an aste risk (*) to displ ay all C DP neighbors, or you can ent er the
name of the ne ighbor ab out wh ich you want info rmati on.
You can al so limit the display to informa tion ab out the pr otocols ena bled on the
specified neighbor or information about the version of software running on the
show cdp interface [type num ber] Display information about interfaces where CDP is enabled.
You can lim it the disp lay to the t ype of inter face or the numbe r of the in terface
about wh ich you want i nformat ion (for exam ple, ente ring gigabite thernet 0/1
displays infor mati on only abou t Gigabit Ethern et por t 1).
show cdp neighbors [type number]
[detail]Display i nf ormat ion a bou t nei ghb ors , in clud i ng device t y pe, inte rface ty pe a nd
number, holdtime settings, capabilities, platform, and port ID.
You can lim it the displa y to neighbo rs on a specific type or num ber of int erface
or expand the disp lay to provide mo re detaile d informa tion.
show cdp traffic Display CDP counters, including the number of packets sent and received and
chec ksum er rors.